Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hiding the Res.

Whitney Young is very diverse, but I do believe that people do tend to hide the “reservation,” whether it is on purpose or just never mentioned. Many people at Whitney Young have a tendency to hide the reservation because they don’t want to come off as a certain type of person, or be judged. At Whitney it is extremely cliquey, there may be a wide range of people in our school but people of similar race, backgrounds, and interest usually end up together. When you come to Whitney you don’t want to be considered lame or weird, no one does. Truthfully I am extremely self conscious, and I have a tendency to think that I am being judged based on everything that I do from athletics to my friends. I don’t say certain things when I am with people, because I don’t want them not to like me, so I am hiding the reservation because I am hiding who I am. I believe that people at Whitney Young students don’t care about where you come from, but who you are, how you present yourself to other people or even how you look. The reason this happens is due to the expectations have for certain people, and they judge them based on those expectations. 

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