Sunday, February 17, 2013


     I live in the Hyde Park/ Kenwood, so I believe that the general Idea of the American dream in my neighborhood would be "Success." Not only success in your job or  how much you make, but being successful by fulfilling your goals and desires.  Also "Hope," I say hope because I strongly believe that everyone wants to better themselves and be given the same opportunities as anyone else. I believe that because of the culture and types of people that reside within Hyde Park/ Kenwood. In this project I would like to interview three different types of people; a businessmen person, family member, and a young adult/ teenager. I would like to do this because I want to see the difference between the three types of people as well as there similarities.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The American Dream: HOPE

Obama Sworn In for 2nd Term, This Time Quietly

The ability to better yourself and your loved ones is a part of the multiple meanings and interpretations of the American Dream. Not even 100 years ago people where being discriminated based on race, and sex. Everyone seemed to need to hate someone else and a majority of the time it's based on race. From the beginning African Americans and other inferior races struggled for the right to practically live. Since then they have fought for equal rights, to be respected, and to be able to have the same chances as the next guy. In America there is a since of hope, where you are able to achieve what you desire, and what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. That is the American Dream. From what they may say is a rags to riches story, the African American community climbed the ladder of equality and success because of the since of Hope, the American dream. This past month President Obama made history when he took the oath of office for a second time this year.  The nation’s first black president embodies hope and change for many Americans at this time of financial struggle and war. In this article it discusses his term, but I feel like he is a perfect example of the success and victory that the race achieved with the belief that anything is possible, and a since of hope.