Friday, November 23, 2012

Who Am I Thankful For?

Who am I thankful for, during this season on glee, and cheer? I am very thankful for my very acquisitive classmate, Ethan Feingold.  The first time that I can I remember experiencing the so called wrath of Feingold was last year in Honors World Studies. He was the opposite of a taciturn teenager, every chance he got he had to answer the question, be on top, and at the same time attempted to slip in some sneaky sly comments. Some people think it’s annoying and irritating, but truthfully I enjoy it. I am not the type of person that is fond of participating in class much. Therefore having Ethan in the classroom helps me understand the lesson, even if he goes on and on. When I am confused he explains it perfectly, and I have learned a lot from my classmate, and I hate to admit this but, I emulate him, I try to mimic his study ethic, and I try to be better than Feingold, which in the end really pushes me to be better, as a person, and a student. Ethan’s humor is very funny, and it makes class more tolerable, but his humor and sarcasm is not to be confused as him attempting to be mean. (That’s how I took it). In addition, he is very intelligent it should be illegal, it’s not fair, but he helps me on homework, class work, and even long term assignments, and I am tremendously appreciative of his help. I am extremely thankful for Feingold, all his carping, sarcastic jokes, and all; he just wants to make himself better as well as all the people around him.

Word Count: 276 

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