Saturday, September 15, 2012

Post 1: Response to Crevecoeur

     While I was reading Crevecoeur’s letters and I felt a very strong feeling against the European culture, but also a constant praise, and fondness of America. Almost as if Crevecoeur had a crush on the U.S.  Crevecoeur, felt very highly of the citizens here. He felt that “Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men…” That diversity brought along a diversity of different arts, sciences, vigor and Industry from the east.  I believe that Crevecoeur’s definition does stand true. As Americans, we are, hard working, dedicated, and extremely diverse. Not by a person’s skin, religion, or even there customs and culture. There is one definition of an American; it is a person who is dedicated to their country. We are a melting pot of many cultures, ranging from the East Hemisphere all the way to the west.  I believe that all immigrants had the same general goal whether it is from the eighteenth century or today, both come here for a fresh start and new life. Why? It is because America is blossoming with opportunities for work, family and education.  

*-Words: 185*

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